Performs multivariate outlier detection using Local Outlier Factor algorithm.

  mask = !Reduce("|", lapply(xs,,
  threshold = c(1.5, 2),
  return.score = FALSE,



A dataframe or list of vectors (which will be coerced to a numeric matrix).


A logical vector that defines which values in x will used when computing statistics. Useful when a subset of quality-assured data is available. Default mask is non-NA Values.


A length-two vector identifying thresholds for "mild" and "extreme" outliers.


if TRUE, return the numeric outlier score. If FALSE, return an ordered factor classifying the observations as one of "not outlier" (1), "mild outlier" (2), or "extreme outlier" (3).


Additional arguments to dbscan::lof, namely k.


the values of threshold identify mild and extreme outliers based on the LOF score. Scores significantly larger than 1 indicate outliers. Default values are 1.5 for "mild" outliers and 2.0 for "extreme" outliers.


x = seq(0, 34, by = 0.25)*pi noise = rlnorm(length(x), meanlog = 1, sdlog = 3) y=sin(x) + noise mask = noise < 1 if (requireNamespace("dbscan", quietly = TRUE)) { moutlier_lof(list(y)) moutlier_lof(list(x, y), mask) moutlier_lof(list(x, y), mask, threshold = c(1, 2)) moutlier_lof(list(x, y), return.score = TRUE) }
#> [1] 1.1102370 0.9894070 1.0421169 1.0242588 0.9117285 0.9646395 #> [7] 1.5603264 1.0703319 1.4045858 0.9874825 1.0218778 0.9951101 #> [13] 0.9667388 1.1211882 1.0315683 1.7765690 1.0385748 0.8938647 #> [19] 1.0519223 1.0283698 1.0278727 1.0586029 1.2214534 1.0012392 #> [25] 1.0731106 1.8450394 1.0391902 0.9819887 1.1428110 0.9341395 #> [31] 0.9897880 0.9747605 1.0825141 1.0792026 1.0659316 1.1794647 #> [37] 1.6916414 1.2361147 1.2585646 1.2917501 1.3266333 1.2067087 #> [43] 1.3885000 1.1251200 1.0481770 1.1033491 1.2943416 0.9593992 #> [49] 0.9207858 1.0348624 0.9720867 1.4583952 0.9709516 4.2874870 #> [55] 1.3266333 1.0118947 1.2240822 1.0093848 0.9907633 1.0123552 #> [61] 1.1183636 1.4008203 0.9453512 1.2933537 1.0331664 1.1239986 #> [67] 1.0568333 1.0261892 1.0014351 1.0299433 1.8973056 1.1059878 #> [73] 0.9494949 1.0174133 1.0636362 1.0423481 1.0081456 1.0423481 #> [79] 1.3560630 1.0307544 1.2240822 0.9222959 1.1386487 0.9440730 #> [85] 1.0280171 1.0673240 1.0617177 1.0036693 1.0036693 1.0221464 #> [91] 1.0121623 1.0328419 1.3897752 1.1703000 1.0137100 33.8592759 #> [97] 1.4260662 1.0231841 1.0095072 0.9448149 1.6040756 0.9219252 #> [103] 1.1642059 1.0839400 1.1831537 1.4568276 1.0998328 1.0769281 #> [109] 1.0719208 1.3683496 1.6868222 1.0719208 1.0505132 1.4258804 #> [115] 0.9753882 6.6359821 1.0408877 0.9895000 1.6868222 0.9425270 #> [121] 0.9920550 1.1082407 1.7134208 0.9672459 1.0434735 1.9620654 #> [127] 1.1492859 1.0904811 1.6868222 1.2843468 1.6868222 0.9995745 #> [133] 1.0109641 0.9937494 0.9937494 1.0021245 2.2583921